The numerous teen suicides that are in the news right now are completely devastating to me.
Many of you would never guess it from knowing me now, but when I was 13-15 growing up in Wisconsin, I was completely on the edge. I felt completely lost and alone and thought that something was horribly wrong with me. I did not have any gay role models to show me that it was OK and that things would get better. I very nearly ended my life, but I was lucky enough to find music in time. It saved me, but these young men were not lucky enough to find something or someone to save them.
We all must do a better job of speaking up and letting any kids who may feel outside the normal that they are perfect the way they are.
In regards to GLTBQ youth, we must speak out against these loud voices that are telling them that they can not marry, serve openly in our military, teach, or live safely in our schools or communities. When we let these voices go unchecked, that is all these young kids are hearing. We need to stand up for them and tell them that it will be OK and let them know they have an ally that they can go to when they inevitably go through these hard times.
Silence is killing these kids and we can't stand by and let it happen any longer.
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